Supporting IDF forces: Isn’t helping them our responsibility?

The IDF has almost half of its troops who are not citizens of Israel yet they serve without families? The army recruits a small percentage of soldiers who came from families that abandoned or abused them as children.
The troops are forgotten by the rest of the world while they celebrate festivals and Shabbat. Serving our country is not an easy task for these soldiers. Meir Panim assists IDF personnel in any way that we can.
The IDF’s soldiers need your support. What can you do?
With donations, we can provide support and care to these lonely soldiers. During the Shabbat and holiday seasons, these soldiers would receive hot meals or food shipments.
Meir Panim argues that by creating a cohesive community, people can fight food insecurity, hunger, and emotional distress. We provide soldiers with a platform that allows people who care about them to connect with them. Through us, you can support IDF soldiers more easily.
Introducing IDF’s support project, Meir Panim
Treating IDF soldiers to Shabbat or holiday dinners is a wonderful way to show your support and gratitude. We shall serve a nice and scrumptious lunch to our defenders whenever they require it. We care about all of the people who need our aid, whether they are combat soldiers or fresh recruits, or handicapped veterans with suffering families. We move to provide a helping hand as soon as we spot a soldier in need.
You may participate in this humanitarian endeavor! Simply join us by making a donation of whatever amount you can. Keep in mind that your support for IDF soldiers is a cornerstone of a secure Israel in the future.